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Thyme Care and AmeriHealth's Role in Herman's Cancer Journey

As the colors of autumn painted the world in hues of red and gold, Herman (pronounced Har-mon) found herself on a journey she never anticipated. Diagnosed with cancer in September 2022, her life took an unexpected turn. 

After four months of chemotherapy, 32 rounds of radiation, and a double mastectomy – today, she is cancer free. 

This is not just a story of battles fought; it's a tale of resilience, support, and the transformative power of integrated care that paints a vivid picture of hope for those facing similar challenges. 




Meet Herman 

Herman, a restaurant owner and dedicated wife and mother, enjoys the outdoors, dancing, and taking yoga classes. Her dog, Toffee, usually joins her on her walks. Her cat, Snacks, is always at home, waiting for cuddles. Herman and her husband moved to America from India 30 years ago. With backgrounds in hotel management, they brought with them two things: a love of people, and a love for food. Her husband is the chef at the Indian bistro they own in town. 

Herman always considered herself a generally healthy person. She rarely visited the doctor. Her vitals were good, she ate nourishing food, and she spent her days caring for her family and doing what she loved. 

Everything changed one day after a routine doctor’s visit. Her primary care physician ordered her standard mammogram and found a lump in her breast. Herman was traveling in India at the time, when she got a call from her doctor saying the three words you never want to hear, “you have cancer”. 

She immediately flew back home to New Jersey to begin treatment for her stage three diagnosis. In this intimate interview, she candidly shares her experiences, passions, and the unwavering support she received from Thyme Care and her insurance provider, AmeriHealth. 


The Power of Connection 

One day while doing household chores, Herman received a phone call. It was from Thyme Care, a service offered to her through AmeriHealth at no additional cost. Herman started talking to her Thyme Care Care Partner, Inti, who wanted to know all about Herman: her life and dreams, goals for her care and expectations, worries and fears. Every phone call with Thyme Care helped assuage Herman of any concerns she had about her care, building a trusted relationship that became her go-to for support. Herman reflects on the compassionate care she received, not only addressing her medical needs but also providing emotional support. Thyme Care became a friend, a source of information, and a comforting presence throughout her journey.

"I think the biggest thing in cancer is you need support. And the fact that somebody calls you and asks you how you're doing, is there any doubt you have? Are there any questions you want answered? It makes a lot of difference. It gives you peace of mind."

Thyme Care played a pivotal role in Herman's journey, addressing not only the medical aspects but also the emotional and mental dimensions of her experience. Regular check-ins, informative discussions, and a genuine interest in her passions beyond the medical realm created a holistic approach to care.

"So it's like you, you made a friendship. And that's so nice to have somebody to talk to."



How Thyme Care Helped Herman Navigate Medical Care at Home 

One of the most surprising, or unexpected, experiences Herman received with Thyme Care, was the ability to talk to an oncology nurse whenever she needed. There were times throughout her treatment where she would experience a rash, or unexpected pain. Unsure of whether or not it was serious, Herman didn’t want to call the doctor or go to the emergency room if it wasn’t necessary. She found comfort speaking to the clinical team at Thyme Care, who could provide answers and medical advice on how to treat the rash and pain. 

“It’s the little things throughout treatment, where you feel like oh, I don't want to bother the doctor's office, and I don’t want to wait on the phone for an hour. So speaking with Thyme Care was really wonderful to have somebody I can reach out to with this small concern.”  


Looking Ahead: Embracing Life Beyond Cancer

Looking ahead, Herman shares her aspirations – a testament to her indomitable spirit. From travel plans and volunteering with animals to contributing as an ESL tutor, she envisions a future filled with purpose and joy. Her story resonates as a reminder that life after cancer can be a canvas for new beginnings and meaningful experiences.

"My life goes on. Hopefully my kids will be independent now, since they're both getting out of college. I want to travel a lot. I love my work, but I would love to travel."


Words of Wisdom: Advice for Others on their Cancer Journey 

In offering advice to those embarking on a similar journey, Herman encourages a positive mindset. Her message is clear – don't succumb to fear, embrace the support around you, don’t feel you have to do it all alone. Trust in the advancements of science and medicine, and know that there is support out there, like Thyme Care, who can help. 

"Don't get anxious, don't get scared. There are a lot of advancements in medicine out there. And everything is systematic. The doctors are very caring, the nurses are amazing. Enjoy your journey."

Herman’s story is a celebration of strength, resilience, and the transformative power of support. Thyme Care and AmeriHealth through their unwavering commitment, have played instrumental roles in shaping this narrative of triumph. Herman’s story serves as an inspiration, reminding us that with the right care and support, individuals can navigate the challenges of cancer and emerge stronger on the other side.




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If you’re an AmeriHealth member and are interested in Thyme Care’s support, you can sign up here


The member has provided explicit permission for Thyme Care and AmeriHealth to share their story.

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